How much material do I need?

Rock, Mulch, Sand, Shell, Etc.

To calculate how many cubic yards of material you will need for your project:

First, calculate the square footage of your project area:

Length (feet) x Width (feet) = Square Feet

Do you have multiple areas? No problem.

Calculate the square footage of each area separately, then add the totals. Keep all measurements in feet.

Next, estimate the depth of your project area in inches. 

Finally, use the chart at the bottom of this page to match your total square footage to your depth in inches. Find where those numbers intersect to calculate the volume of your project in cubic yards. 



To calculate how much sod you will need, calculate the square footage of your project area:

Length (feet) x Width (feet) = Square Feet

Each pallet is 500 square feet. If your area is smaller, calculate how many pieces you will need:

Square Feet ÷ 2.65 = # Sod Pieces Required

Volume in Cubic Yards.jpg